Packages & Rates


Reinvent Your Life

Twentyfoue 75-sessions over a 6 month period, plus email support, materials review and accountability check ins.

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Bonus –

Value: $7500

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life coaching packages
3 MONTH package life coaching

Achieve Your Goal

Twelve 75-sessions over a 3 month period, plus email support, materials review and accountability check ins.

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Bonus –

Value: $4000

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The Breakthrough Session

This Powerful 90 minutes 1:1 session (Skype/In-Person/call) helps me do deeper dive into the challenges you’re facing right now and outline a holistic plan for reaching your goals. 
This plan includes the tools we’ll work with to help you make major breakthroughs, such as thoughts, beliefs, habits, relationships, meditations, career choices, diet, and exercise, as well as a structured accountability system to ensure you’re making progress. Value: $350   Offer: $99

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The Breakthrough Session

This Powerful 90 minutes 1:1 session (Skype/In-Person/call) helps me do deeper dive into the challenges you’re facing right now and outline a holistic plan for reaching your goals. 
This plan includes the tools we’ll work with to help you make major breakthroughs, such as thoughts, beliefs, habits, relationships, meditations, career choices, diet, and exercise, as well as a structured accountability system to ensure you’re making progress. Value: $350   Offer: $99

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