caitlin margaret hollistic life coach Services offered

My service promise

Here’s the most radical thing you’ll ever read on a Life Coach’s website. I guarantee results.

That’s right. If after working with me for a month, you’re not seeing any positive changes in your life, or you’re not moving towards the personal and professional goals we have discussed, then I will return your money.

My personal mission is to spread world peace through individual happiness. And if I can’t do this for you, then you should invest that money elsewhere. I’m probably the only coach you’ll ever see make this offer. I only do it because I am confident in my ability to support your dreams, and I am dead set on having powerful impactful life-changing conversations every time we speak.

Who I work with 

There’s a reason why people call me “The Coach Who Gets It.” I specialize in working with adolescents and millennials (under 35) who are going down paths I’ve walked, enduring the unsupportive shoes I’ve worn.

You know the shoes I’m talking about: the social pressures, the bad habits, and the self-limiting beliefs we wear at our foundation. These shoes looked shiny and appealing at first, but you know they are the wrong fit for you. They make your entire body and mind uncomfortable. You may look successful to the outside world, but on the inside, you’re struggling with pain, discomfort and disillusionment.

But then suddenly, when you finally kick those shoes off, there’s a whole new you. Release, relaxation, and finally, the freedom to just be. That’s what my Holistic Coaching will do for you. We’re going to get rid of those restrictive beliefs, and all of the fears, nervousness, and worries that go with them. And then we’re going to design a new pair of shoes (habits, thoughts, and action plans), customized for the person you want really want to be.

There’s just one caveat. I only work with people who are motivated and committed to taking action. As your Coach, I will bring attentive listening, understanding, belief in you and commitment to your success.  You can expect me to challenge you, offer fresh perspectives, assign homework, and celebrate your wins. And as I said earlier, I’m putting my money where my mouth is, and guaranteeing your success, or you’ll get your money back. But you have to have the courage and determination to commit to change.

If you are interested in working with me, or have any other questions about my services, please reach out to me.

How I coach 

To learn more about my coaching approach, check out my Holistic Coaching page.

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