The number one cure-all … and I’ll reveal it here

I have a friend with a cure for absolutely anything. Well, it’s actually her dad’s cure-all. And it’s grape juice. If she told him her stomach hurt when she was little, he’d give her a glass of grape juice. If she had a headache, grape juice to the rescue. If she was upset because someone… Continue reading The number one cure-all … and I’ll reveal it here

What are you waiting for? Jump in already!

Hey there. Remember that time when life was so impossibly hard that you gave up, crawled into a hole and died? No? Of course not. Why? Because you’re still alive. You got out of bed this morning. You’re reading this post right now. You’ll do a thing later. You’ll be awesome at doing that thing.… Continue reading What are you waiting for? Jump in already!

New Year’s Resolutions Fail 80% of the time. Here’s what to do instead.

These days most of my conversations start out with “I can’t believe the year is almost over!” But, it’s happening. Four more days and, poof! 2017 is gone. I hope you’ve had an amazing year. And if you didn’t, I have great news—2018 is a whole new year! A brand spankin’ new chance at ALL… Continue reading New Year’s Resolutions Fail 80% of the time. Here’s what to do instead.

The Power Of Manifesting; How To Become An Energetic Match For Your Desires

Are you feeling a bit stuck because, despite all your hard work, you don’t feel a sense of fulfilment? You know what happiness means to you—but it’s always just a little out of reach? Well, don’t sweat it. Not only is it a pretty common experience, it’s easier to get what you want than you… Continue reading The Power Of Manifesting; How To Become An Energetic Match For Your Desires

5 Strategies To Develop Good Habits

What was your biggest goal for 2017?  And how’s it going so far? One of the many reasons that I love September is because I find it’s a really good time to revisit and re-commit to the goals I’ve set for the year. It is the right time to relook at your plan and to develop… Continue reading 5 Strategies To Develop Good Habits

A grounding meditation for calming anxiety and accessing the wisdom within

Oh September, you’re here already! And sure enough, you’ve brought a change of weather – both outside and in. The temperature is cooling down here in NY, while our schedules and routines are ramping up. Out with those warm, slow summer days. In with chilly winds, new projects, and longer days at the office. For… Continue reading A grounding meditation for calming anxiety and accessing the wisdom within

Unhappy At Work? Turn The Job You Have Into The Job You Want

So, you haven’t found your dream job yet, huh? Perhaps you took a job you thought you’d enjoy, but it turned out not to be what you expected and you are very unhappy at work. Or maybe the path to your dream job is long and winding, and you’re currently on one of the less glamorous… Continue reading Unhappy At Work? Turn The Job You Have Into The Job You Want